
Entries Tagged 'Joe Biden'

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Please Don't Go Brandon

By Timothy R. Butler | Oct 31, 2021 at 5:54 PM

The phrase kept showing up in my social media feed, probably as it has for you. I’ve been busy, so I kept putting off finding out the reason for the latest social media fad, but finally bit: just who is “Brandon” and why is everyone cheering him on? It seemed like everyone was having lighthearted fun… at first.

Time and the Towers, and the Nowhere to Which They Led

By Dennis E. Powell | Sep 08, 2021 at 10:38 PM

Time is a funny thing. Well, no, time is time. Our perception of it is where things go haywire. We’re not very well equipped to comprehend the passage of time or its implications.

When All is Bleak, Look to the Turtle

By Dennis E. Powell | Aug 18, 2021 at 9:12 PM

What is there to say? Our country is governed by an ice-cream enthusiast who has combined the policies of Jimmy Carter with the presentation of Gerald Ford (if Ford had suffered rabies) along with his own diminished capacity — and he didn’t have that much capacity to begin with. In his speech Monday he sounded like that angry doddering guy on the front porch of the rest home who causes visitors to enter through the back door instead.

All Aboard the Handbasket, Departing to You-Know-Where

By Dennis E. Powell | Jun 09, 2021 at 11:42 AM

The other day I was at the grocery store, grumbling that the house-brand refried beans, 69 cents for quite some time, are now 89 cents, an increase of more than 20 percent. Then I noticed that the house-brand dry-roasted peanuts, $1.99 since forever, have gone up by more than 10 percent.

Stop Using "Woke" As a Pejorative

By Jason Kettinger | Apr 19, 2021 at 12:01 PM

Jason Kettinger​ looks at the use and misuse of #Woke and #StayWoke and the real issues we need to concern ourselves with.

I Don’t Want to Vote Biden. Here’s Why I Will.

By Jason Kettinger | Sep 24, 2020 at 9:59 AM

You know, I don’t agree with Joe Biden about abortion, the redefinition of marriage— and it’s important to call it that— and so-called “religious liberty”. I voted for George W. Bush twice. I’m voting for Joe Biden.

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